Freeze Dry 101
Learn About Our Flower Freeze-Drying Process

When your Flowers arrive they are photographed and inventoried, then the arrangement is taken apart and the flower is placed on a tray in one of our four freeze-dryers. Each freeze-dryer holds between six to eight thousand blooms.
They are held in the chamber at minus 30 degrees. This holds the position of blossom and stops the aging process. When the machine is fully loaded, we start a vacuum pump and the process of sublimation begins. The vacuum pump slowly pulls the moisture and ice crystals out of the flower cells.
Under a vacuum, the ice crystals melt at different temperatures going from a solid to a gas without going through a liquid. The gas is drawn to another chamber and condenses back to ice. Because of this process, their shape and natural color are maintained.
When the flowers are done they are hand-dipped in a solvent that helps hold them together as well as having UV inhibitors to help reduce fading from the sun.